Monday, November 16, 2009

Growing Big

The boys are getting so big now, it's hard to believe they are almost six months. I have to admit it's a lot of work but they are so worth it and so much fun to have around, except at 2 and 5 in the morning. The girls have a blast with them and can really make them laugh and giggle. It's fun to watch because they get so excited, for the most part, when ever they see them. Here is Hayden sitting so big on the counter helping mom make dinner.

Poor Hayden and what his sisters won't do to him. I'm afraid he has many more years and worse possibilites still to come.

Hayden getting loves from mom

Canyon has been very into food and watches us intently when we're eating so we decided to try him on his first cereal. He took it ok but wasn't a big fan of it. He enjoyed the ice cream dad gave him much better. No more eating with dad!

A Cabin for Birthday

This year for Ali's 7th birthday instead of a party, yeah, we rented a state parks cabin out Chena Hot Springs and spent the night and had Ali's birthday there. We got there that evening and made dinner and then had a little party where she opened her presents and had cake and ice cream. This year she wanted a dog cake with pink spots, this was the best I could do. We all had so much fun and it was great because my brother Jeremy and his wife Brooke flew up from Idaho to be with us and it was wonderful to have them. The cabin was a blast and after presents we went swimming at Chena Hot Springs and then came back and slept for the night. The next morning we had a lazy morning of sleeping in and Jeremy made us breakfast. It was a great way to spend a birthday and the girls had a blast. Maybe we'll make it a tradition!
Opening presents

Showing off presents

Getting ready to eat some birthday cake

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Cabin for Birthday Continued

Jeremy, Brooke, Jeff and Hayden trying to get dinner ready. Hurry guys we're starving

Trying to stay warm by the fire.

Hanging out in the cabin

Mom and her pumpkin boy, Canyon

Swimming at Chena Hot Springs with Uncle Jeremy. Ali said she wouldn't have a birthday party this year if we go to Chena Hot Springs and she can stay in the pool as long as she wants. Sounds good to me!

A Big Big Weekend

The boys sporting their fall hats!
Also the weekend of Halloween my brother Jeremy and his wife Brooke came and visited for a few days to celebrate Ali's birthday and spend Halloween with us. We had a great time with them and wished they could have stayed for a month. The first day they were here they came with Saiger to her school to help out with their Halloween party.

Saiger was a cowgirl for her school party. Jeremy holding Canyon

Brookie holding Hayden