We are also getting settled into our new house and love it. We still can't believe it is ours but are so thankful to finally have a place of our own. It's so nice to not even care if the girls are too loud or Jeff is pounding a nail too late at night. I know you are STILL waiting for pics of the house and my goal is to do that this week. I will also include, tho not because of my wishes, a picture of my ever growing belly. I can't believe how big I am at a little more than 4 and a half months, but I've been saying that this entire prego, and I know it's only going to get worse. My stamina also isn't what I would expect and I get tired really easy. I'm hoping I don't have to go on bedrest but it will most likely be partial. The doctor says I have about 2-3 more weeks before I have to start really cutting back. Easier said then done! Jeff is also in the proccess of intrerviewing and looking for another job. He is struggling trying to decide if he should do the clerkship for another year or go to a firm. I'm trying to decide if I want his time to help with the twins or his money to afford the twins. I don't know! Ali is liking her new school and is doing the cross country ski club. I think it's a blast but I'm not sure she shares my same enthusiasm. She is becoming quite the skiier tho and this saturday we went for a great ski. We have some awesome trails that we can ski on right from our house at the end of our road. Anyway, Ali got her first taste of skiijoring with Tana and thought it was blast except when Tana would veer off and leave her flat on her face. Tana is young tho and this was her first time so they will both have to practice more. Saige did her best skiing this weekend too and skiied for almost an hour so we are making progress with her. We keep telling her when the babies come there will be no more riding. Well I have to start thinking about dinner but I will try and get those pics posted soon. Until later!
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