So here they are!!! Pictures of the big belly that my family has been begging for. You might think that I'm not THAT big, but I am huge for only 5 months. I am probably the size of what someone 8 months pregnant would be. It's starting to get difficult to move and I am very tired by the end of the day, as you can see in the picture. I can only imagine what the next three, possibly more, months will bring agghh! Wish me luck! Also the pics of the house ARE coming I promise. I took a bunch with by brother's camera he gave us and went to put them on the computer but didn't have the software that I needed to download them. I'm trying to get it figured out but if I can't I'll resort back to old trusty. So be patient with me and I'll try and have them by this weekend.
Impressive booda belly! I'll pray that it's only 3 more months for your sake! I'm so glad you have a blog, now I can keep up with you and your fam. I hope your still having spring weather up north! We miss you guys.
You definitely don't have an 8 months belly--you are adorable. I would say more 7ish months or a little less. That's pretty good for 2 healthy boys growing in there. Aaah! I love all the house pics. How fun for you guys to spread out and do everything how you want it to be. Congrats. Hope its all going well. I'm rooting for just 3 months left, too. It may be a long 3 months...
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