We had a wonderful time outside visiting all our
fam and enjoying some beautiful sunshine and warmer, part of the time, temps. We spent two weeks with both our families and it was hard to come home,
at least for 5 out of the 6 of us! We spent Christmas with Jeff's brother Bret and his family and had some fun times sledding, riding horses, playing at the gym, and goofing off with cousins. We spent new year's at my
fam's and it was great because my brother Chad came down with their four kids and Jeff's sister Danette came with her two kids. We had one crazy house full but it was a blast. So fun to spend such great quality time with our families we don't get to see very often. We love you all very much and are
grateful for those who traveled to come and be with us! So here are a few pictures recapping some of our great times.
These first ones are from my family in Idaho

Ali enjoying
ice cream with
cousin Jason.

Proud Grandma and Grandpa with most of their
grand kids
Baby Tyler, the cutest kid and biggest eyes you will ever see!

Just about as many people as you can fit into one hot tub

Hayden, baby Tyler, and Canyon. They'll be the fearsome threesome in another year when Tyler really gets moving. I
apologize now Chad and Kristy for all the trouble I'm sure Canyon and Hayden will get sweet Tyler into.

Sledding at below zero temps! What!!! I thought we were suppose to be getting away from this! I think we all went down the hill twice and as soon as our new sister in law
Steph got hurt we figured that was as good excuse as any to call it quits and put us all out of our misery!

My sister in law Angel, her mom crocheted all the girls these adorable dresses and hat and scarves for the boys. What a sweet, wonderful lady!

This is a very
special picture for us, which I pray there will be many more, but here is our kids and Nate's kids with their Great (and they truly are GREAT) Grandma and Grandpa Holman and their Great Uncle Brad! Brad who has down syndrome, will turn 50 next month. What a wonderful, special person who has been an absolute blessing to all of our family. Oh the funny stories and experiences we could all share with Brad. We love you big guy!!!
Now these pictures are from our time at Jeff's family

The boys playing with their new toys from Grandma and Grandpa May for Christmas. Their favorite part of Christmas morning was the candy canes. We finally had to give them their plugs
in order to get the candy canes away!

Ali has gotten back into a horse phase again and is really into horses. She was so excited to get this book on horses and showed it to everyone. For Ali the highlight of her vacation, other then getting baptized, was one of the days her Grandpa May took her and Jeff on a real horse ride in the mountains. She came back and said that was the best day of her entire life. I'm so thankful for Bruce, Jeff's dad, for taking the time to make his granddaughter's day and a memory I know she will never forget. Her first real horse ride in the mountains with her Grandpa May!

We had a hard time figuring out what to get
Saige for Christmas this year. Ali was easy, books and more books, but
Saiger hasn't really gotten into reading yet and we were trying to stay clear of the toys so she ended up with some books, games, clothes, and a stationary set. And of course, their box of lucky charms, a tradition handed down from when I was a girl and for Christmas by our stocking we would get our own box of our favorite cereal that mom would never buy for us otherwise.

Santa scored at the May house this year! The girls, with their cousins Marley and Griffin, left Santa two huge
plate fulls of food. They first started off with the plate of cookies but then decided he might get a stomach ache with all the cookies so decided to leave him a hot dog, some fruit, and pumpkin bread to balance out his meal. Santa was good and polished it all right down, go Santa!

Pictures of the kids riding the horses around the corral. This was their favorite thing to do and would ask to do it everyday.

Grandpa May leading flashy with
Saige and Griffin.

We had a fun family Christmas Eve party with all of Jeff's family that included some yummy food, gift exchanges, and failed slide show presentations on the Savior's Life and Alaska. We made them work the best we could, but not what we had envisioned. Despite, however, we all had a great time together. Here is Ali with Grandma May and cousin Tate.

Part of the clan watching Hunter open his gift and another part of the clan below.

Well, that concludes my brief run down on our wonderful time with family this holiday season. I am so thankful for all our families and the great times and memories we create with all. I am above all, most thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, who made it possible for us to live and find happiness and peace in this life and to be with our wonderful familes not just in this life, but forever.
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