It was quite the hunting season this year. Jeff really got to enjoy one of the perks of working as a teacher, hunting season off. Even though he did way more packing than he did shooting it was still some very memorable and exciting times had by all.

Jeff's Dad and brother Clint came up the first week of the season and on their last day, of four they both shot this ram. His Dad on one end and Clint on the other. Jeff played
Sherpa which was to hint the theme for this seasons hunting adventures.

Packing out animal number one!

The second week his brother Bart came up to do a caribou and sheep hunt. Bart drew a very hard to get caribou tag, along with myself. We were all suppose to go caribou hunting for four days but as I'm sure you have heard the story by now I was able to go the first day and then spent my next three in the hospital with Hayden. So I was here when Bart shot his first caribou and that was exciting. They spent the next three frustrating days looking for sheep in the clouds.

My super man packing out Bart's caribou, animal number 2. Sometimes he does let us carry a little!

The next week my wonderful, did I mention wonderful, friends Dana and Lance watched the kids for two nights so that I could have another chance at getting my caribou. This HEAVEN sent caribou showed up right as we were about to call it quits and I was able to shoot my first caribou, almost minus my husband, who shocker, was busy looking at sheep.

Jeff packing my boo out, animal number 3, but of course I was there as well and experiencing the heaviest pack I have ever had to carry.

Then almost last but not least, here is a picture of Jeff's sheep HE was able to shoot this year. This was suppose to be the half day hunt that turned into a two and a half day hunt, that let to a very good friend coming to his rescue, Keith Clark, again. Forcing the two of them to miss church, again, plus share one sleeping bag and a one person tent for the night, plus forcing us to seek refuge an unexpected night with poor Jessie and causing us to miss church in Fairbanks. Not that it's that big of deal except I had to teach a class. So to put it in Jeff's words, not mine at all, "This was the dumbest thing he had ever done!" But with it all said and done he did come away with a beautiful sheep and some new rules that he now must abide by or he is not allowed to hunt! No packing pics on this one, animal number 4, need to get them from Keith still.
To FINALLY wrap it up, the next week he returned to Healy to go moose hunting with Keith and helped him pack out his moose, animal number 5!
Hunting season 2010 is OVER!!!!!
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