Two weekends ago the girls were so ready for Spring to be here that they made Jeff go out and shovel all the snow from the lawn so that we could put up the tramp. We all have Spring Fever and are loving the warmer weather. This was the boy's first time on the tramp, and of course, Canyon loved it and Hayden did not.

Canyon was all smiles and Hayden was all tears.

While Jeff was at the priesthood session of conference on Saturday the kids and I decided to take advantage of the 50 degree weather so we busted out the bikes for the first time this year and the girls rode while I pushed the boys in the stroller.

Here are the Easter treats the girls and I made for our Easter dinner. Thankfully we had two families over to help us eat them, but they are birds in rice crispy treat nests and cheesecake baskets. They were a fun addition.
Why didn't you tell me the tramp is up? Cecelia and I will drive in immediately!!!
Wow, those Easter treats look good too.
You are so creative and fun!
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