Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dip Netting Fun

Sorry these post have to pretty short these days, not much detail, but I don't have much time for computers these day. In fact as I am trying to do this I am rocking one baby in the carseat with my foot while bouncing the other baby on my leg and putting in pacifiers every ten seconds. And if I am not doing that I am usually feeding one baby and trying to type one handed. So this will have to do and if you get only pictures with no words then hopefully you'll understand, but hey a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Here's what it lookes like dip netting. People stand along both sides of the inlet with their nets and wait for the fish to swin by. This was nothing by Friday afternoon their were so many people that you were standing shoulder to shoulder and could barely get a net in.

Isn't this a great picture of everyone sacked out in the tent. Pay close attention as to where Saiger's feet are. She is such a crazy sleeper and thankfully the boys did great sleeping in their first tent.

Ali and Saige were getting pretty bored after three straight days on the beach so they resorted to collecting seagull feathers and building fences for their animals. Pretty clever I think.

Thankfully on the last day we were there a youth Christian organization put on a kids camp with crafts and games and a bounce house for kids to do and play while their parents fished.

The girls showing off their face painting.

1 comment:

angela said...

Oh my goodness, you are true adveturers. I already knew that, but I am totally impressed...wow.