Saturday, August 28, 2010
Finally a Backpack
So I am very behind schedule as far as our summer outings are going. I would much rather be outside enjoying the warmth and sun before it is gone all too soon then on the computer. But here are some pics from one of the highlights of my summer this year. Jeff, that great hubby of mind, in anticipation of hunting season coming soon, offered to watch the kids while I took Brandon and Matt backpacking down my Denali. We hiked up Carlo mountain and spent one of the windiest and rainiest nights I have had in a long time. The whole night I just kept praying that it would let up by the morning so that we would be able to stay up there and hike around. My prayers were answered by a very loving and understanding Father in Heaven because at 7 am it was beautiful and we were able to spend the entire day hiking around on the mountain. It was a great trip and I hiked Brandon and Matt to death but they were good sports and endured my many, "just one more ridge." One thing did happen though on this trip that has never happened to me before backpacking and that was that we ate all of the food up completely that I had brought. I've never had that happen. I guess that's what backpacking with two 18 year olds will do who have no concept of eating sparingly. It wouldn't have been a big deal except Brando has diabetes and with no food to eat on the way out he got very low, too low, and the last hour was very miserable as he could barely see or walk. It was my fault for not bringing an emergency stash for him. Thankfully we barely made it and I wouldn't be surprised if he never wants to go backpacking with me again.

Our view
The crazy boys
Monday, August 9, 2010
Our Soccer Champ
Ali did great this summer for her first time playing soccer. She is very fast and aggressive and loved playing. It was so fun to watch her. Here she is getting a medal for the end of season which she is very proud of. Ali is very athletic and I would love to see her play other sports. Right now she says all she wants to play is soccer because that is what she is good at, that is fine but I hope she'll try some other sports. I'm probably getting a little too anxious, she is only seven and doesn't need to be playing three sports a year......yet!

Sunday, August 8, 2010
Our New Addition
Here's the newest addition to our family, a six month old lab/Samoyed mix named Dawson. Jeff and Ali have been wanting a new dog for months now, since we lost Tana this winter, but I have been a little more hesitant. Thankfully Dawson has been wonderful, very mellow, great with the kids, and the best part house broken. We got him from a man in the military that is getting deployed this winter. Jeff was wanting more of a lab dog but once the girls saw this one it was all over. I'm not too excited about all the shedding hair, but this way we won't have to worry about him being outside this winter. 
Every one checking out Dawson
Poor guy, I don't think he knew what he was in for coming to our family. I woke up the first morning from bringing him home and the girls already had him all dressed up. He adores the girls though and follows them every where and listens to them way better then he does Jeff or I.
Hayden, much to our dismay, thinks it's so much fun to share his food with Dawson and Canyon just loves to climb on him and pull his hair.
Hayden, much to our dismay, thinks it's so much fun to share his food with Dawson and Canyon just loves to climb on him and pull his hair.
Garden Harvest
Pictures of some of the flowers and plants that I started from seed this spring and the garden to date. I have really enjoyed growing and working in the garden this summer and I love the idea of sustainability and growing what my family needs. It's also been fun to experiment with flowers and what has worked and what hasn't. I was hoping for a greenhouse this summer but a 4-wheeler won preference. It will be a must or else next summer!

Ali showing off our first real harvest of the season. We have been getting some foods for awhile but this is our first big one, minus the hoards of lettuce we have growing. I have been so excited because last year our squash and zucchini did horrible but this year the goat manure must be doing the trick, check out the size of the zucchini and cauliflower!
Ali showing off our first real harvest of the season. We have been getting some foods for awhile but this is our first big one, minus the hoards of lettuce we have growing. I have been so excited because last year our squash and zucchini did horrible but this year the goat manure must be doing the trick, check out the size of the zucchini and cauliflower!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
A Day in Denali
Earlier this summer I took two 18 year olds and four kids on an 8 hour bus ride and three hour hike in Denali all by myself. It was a fun but by no way a relaxing trip! Thankfully the boys did good and we had patient fellow passengers that either endured or passed looks of exasperation my way. It was great to be back in the park again, it had been a couple of years, and even though the mountain was not visible it was still a beautiful day. Below are some pictures from our day.
Just some cute ones
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